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The Atomic S/MC


Staff member
Mar 22, 2024
Reaction score
I like mobile mechanic carts… Or, I like the idea of them. In practice, however, I’ve found that most suck for my use case. Either they have a lid that doubles as a bench top (why?!), or they have tiny casters that can’t roll over extension cables and air lines (drives me mad), or they are just too damn big – making it impossible to get them in spots where I really need them. An example of this was recently when I was changing out a shifter in an old race car. Lots of tiny hardware to keep sorted, but a store bought mobile mechanics cart can’t fit deep within an open door of a car.

Anyway, I decided to design my own. I call it the Atomic S/MC or Atomic Small Mobile Cart.

The idea is that it’s plenty wide, but shallow enough to go places. Also, it’s mobile… But, I really like to have an iPad on hand for manuals as well as good lighting. So, it needs power. That will come from a Milwaukee M18 battery source.

But wait, there’s more… I’ve also sourced a really neat, old, and flexible vice for the bench top, a modern hardware sorting system, and other ideas that just might work.

I’ve been working on it on and off for a few weeks now and it’s starting to take shape. I think I’m gonna dig it. I’m making a video, but will try to keep this thread updated as well.

Stay tuned.
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