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The Illustrators: Judith Kerr


Staff member
Mar 22, 2024
Reaction score
Joanna Carey

(Thames & Hudson)

Part of The Illustrators series (whose consultant is Sir Quentin Blake), this is a wonderful celebration of one of Britain’s most beloved and cherished picturebook makers, Judith Kerr. In this tome, readers are given access to a extensive selection of Kerr’s art, including very early drawings saved by her mother as they fled Germany, and photographs from her personal life. The text that accompany them has an enjoyable conversational tone while being very informative, and overall this gives a fascinating overview of Kerr’s extraordinary life. It is a real celebration of her incredible legacy as well as her genuinely wonderful, witty and sharp character, as her last picturebook Mummy Time showcases so brilliantly. There is much to love and celebrate about Judith Kerr and Joanna Carey has done a great job at creating a book that does just that.



Note: the book went to print before Judith Kerr’s passing in May and therefore does not mention it.

The Illustrators is a beautifully produced series which is well worth investigating by anyone interested in art and illustration as well as children’s literature. Other books on the series focus on Posy Simmonds, Ludwig Bemelmans, and Walter Crane. A volume on Dick Bruna is due in the Spring.

Source: review copy from publisher
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