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Box Cutter Update


Staff member
Mar 22, 2024
Reaction score
My search for the ultimate EDC box cutter continues… My current carry is overpriced and overbuilt, but perfect for my use case. It’s the CHUB flipper. I got mine for $150, but looks like they are going for over $200 now. The quality of the machine work justifies that, but I’m not sure any box cutter is worth $200.

There is, however, a new entry to the market since the last time we discussed these things. It’s called the Keen Box Cutter and it’s currently on Kickstarter. They are made really, really well and have a nice heft to them. The deal breakers for me? No pocket clip and I prefer some kind of a locking mechanism.

Anyway, you can learn more about here.

Editor’s Note: This is not sponsored in anyway. I don’t know these people… But I do know a guy that got one to review and he allowed me to play with a bit. It is impressive to hold and use.
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