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Flywheels and why it matters with Snowflake


Staff member
Mar 22, 2024
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Reflecting on Summit​

At the Snowflake Summit, a strong commitment to AI was emphasized. Both Snowflake and NVIDIA have made strides in building their AI capabilities. The rise of AI, particularly generative AI, has been a prominent topic at cloud tech conferences over the past year. As a former Snowflake employee and current customer, I’m intrigued by the potential of AI. Jensen Huang, NVIDIA’s CEO, and Sridhar Ramaswamy, Snowflake’s CEO, frequently discussed the concept of a ‘flywheel’.

Snowflake Marketing Analytics with Flywheel

Understanding the flywheel concept in software development is vital. Something we at Perficient, have been doing for some time now. It’s described as a visual loop that enables technology to achieve velocity by reducing internal process friction. This flywheel analogy is relevant and compelling. Many IT enterprises struggle with disorganized data and fail to achieve needed business growth. They often grapple with maintaining a single version of truth and meeting business needs. I have immense respect for stalwarts like Jensen Huang and Sridhar Ramaswamy. They’ve earned the right to discuss and evangelize their investment in “Enterprise AI”. Let us at Perficient, take it from there.

Snowbear Jer

As a recent addition to the Perficient leadership team, leading our growing Snowflake Practice, I ask you, the reader, if your data is ready for the Enterprise AI discussed today. Whether it is or isn’t, we’re ready to help you build your business flywheel in Snowflake. I look forward to starting this journey with you. Please contact me at [email protected] to begin.

Check out more from our Snowflake practice here.
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