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The Pie Factory


Staff member
Mar 22, 2024
Reaction score
You know how threads in the Garage Gallery start out as build threads and then, over time, sort of morph into daily blogs of sorts? I love that… and recently, I’ve fallen into the rabbit hole at the Pie Factory.

“When graduating from college, my dream home was a barn with a small loft apartment above a workshop, a wood stove, an old truck, a dog, and blond twin girlfriends. Probably in Vermont.

I’ve struck out on the barn, the twins, the dog, and the green mountain state. Wood stoves are banned unless grandfathered in in San Francisco. Someday I may make it to Vermont. Sometimes one must compromise.

I’m nearly two years into the build and just shy of three months from move in. I’ve documented nearly everything, so the Netflix bingers amongst you might enjoy the flow of updates.”

I mean… I could explain it, but I think it’s better if I just let you fall into the hole yourself. Start here.
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